Shop setting up

❀﹕First, it is worth noting that the shop command, which belongs to the Economy command category, displays the server's shop when invoked. This shop allows users to purchase roles from the server.

This command could end up being changed, i.e. its configuration could change or a variable such as the required Iridios could be changed.

♡﹒Step by step!

  1. Create roles to purchase!

    • Go to your server settings, and under the "Roles" tab, create the roles that you want users to be able to purchase.

    • Give each role a name, colour, and permissions as desired.

  1. Create a shop slot!

  • Use the I.setslot command, and in this exact order, you have to put the slot number , add the price and mention the role

  1. Delete a shop slot!

    • To delete any of the slots, use I.DeleteSlot next to the slot number.

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